Digital Generation - Make Money On Auto Pilot

Looking to make money using  your pc with little effort as possible? Well now you can!

Click below to get started

Digital Generation Beginner’s Guide

To begin click the Button below.

After clicking the above link you will be brought to this page where you register for your account. Enter all your info and click the send button

  • Enter your phone number
  • Nickname (what your name will be in chat)
  •  After you click save at the bottom go back to your profile and under your phone number you will see a link "Get SMS With Code" click the link and a you will recieve a text message with numbers in it reply to the text with the same numbers and your phone will be verified.

  •  Now that you are verified  you need to get your trial thread activated
  • On the main screen click Tickets
  • Next click on New Ticket, you will see a window pop up like you see to the left.
  • You will need to send in a ticket to trial department to recieve your trial thread copying what is in the picture to the left will work just fine 
  • IMPORTANT: Make sure the Department is set to Trial.

Now you Download the and install the program Thread Manager, wich you can get from the main website just click Download

When the program is installed it will look like this Even though your threads may say 0 continue to run the program as soon as the trial thread becomes active you will be paid for the time it was running
Congratulations you are set up now sit back and watch the money come in!!!