BitCoin For Best Savings

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an electronic currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. The name is also associated with open source software that he designed, and also uses a peer-to-peer that connects everything. Unlike in general currency, bitcoin does not depend on the trust major publishers. Bitcoin uses a distributed database and spread to nodes - nodes of a P2P network to journal transactions, and uses cryptography to provide functions - basic security functions, such as ensuring that the bitcoin - bitcoin can only be spent by the people have it, and should never be done more than once. Bitcoin allows for the design of ownership without identity (anonymous) and transfer of wealth. Bitcoin - bitcoin can be stored on a personal computer in a file format wallet or stored by a third party wallet service, and in spite of all that Bitcoin - bitcoin can be sent via the Internet to anyone who has a Bitcoin address. 
Topology of peer-to-peer bitcoin and the lack of a single administration makes it impossible for the authority, any government, to manipulate the value of bitcoin - bitcoin or cause inflation by producing more bitcoin. Bitcoin is one of the first implementation of the so-called cryptocurrency, was first described by Wei Dai in 1998 in the mailing cypherpunk Who Publisher Bitcoin?, In the Bitcoin system, the issuer is the users themselves (peer), and with a system of peer to peer ( P2P) is Bitcoin users itself, then we can mine Bitcoin by solving puzzles or problems with complex cryptographic komputer.penambang also called bitcoin miner. How do we mine?, 

Before mine we should have a container or safe deposit box, or in the bitcoin in the call wallet.Wallet this is what will we use to store the results of mining (mine). For get a wallet and Big Free BitCoin there are 3 ways: 
  1. Download Bitcoin client from after we download Bitcoin client, install it to the computer and the computer automatically wallet or safe we ​​are our own, we will get a 34 digit address our wallet, where the address is what we use for transfer or accept bitcoin.  
  2. Create Wallet in here to get wallet.
  3. Collect Free Big Btc in HERE <==Click Now!!
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Example wallet address: Click it !!

Once we got wallet means we are ready to mine, any way there are 2 kinds: 
1.With Bitminter software download. 
2.With enroll in one website bitminter, one for in the know, by mine own with a regular computer will take a very long time, I've tried with software bitminter for 24 hours only produce 0.00001 Bitcoin, and the 2nd way is by http://www.bitcoinplus. com / 24 hours or less got 0.00225 Bitcoin. If you want to use Bitcoin I suggest a better buy in situs2 bitcoin trading, one of the trusted is or, until the time I wrote this in Mtgox value 1 BTC = 109.399 USD and still Up.